Population Based Germline Testing for Early Detection and Prevention of Cancer

What is PROTECT-C?

PROTECT-C is a research study offering genetic testing to all adult women in the population, to see whether they carry a genetic alteration in a cancer gene that increases their risk of ovarian, breast, womb, and/or bowel cancer.

PROTECT-C is run under the leadership of Professor Ranjit Manchanda, the Chief Investigator of the study, and coordinated by the Barts Clinical Trials Unit at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL). PROTECT-C is a huge broad-based effort bringing together researchers based across several leading national and international centres. These include: 

Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), UK
University of Manchester, UK
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK
University of Oxford, UK
VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, The Netherlands
University College London (UCL), UK
University of Cambridge, UK